Invasion is an aspect of the game where another player can ‘Invade’ your mission, adding another objective to kill the invader. What adds a bit more intrigue is having Invasion in the campaign. Playing the campaign in co-op however, significantly increases the enjoyment of the adventure. It quickly becomes more tactical and enjoyable. One can go after an objective while the other keeps a lookout.

You can split up and attack from several directions. Suddenly, one can draw fire while the other flanks. Even though the gameplay is the same, going through it with a friend adds in a different type of element. However, the story is ultimately not why you play Sniper Elite titles. It seriously comes across as a rather forgettable story that not even the characters can save. I mean, it has to be the 100th first-person shooter about fighting Nazis. Not to mention that it comes across as a relatively generic story. Because you get story clips in between the gameplay, it can become rather choppy and a bit difficult to follow. To be honest, it is a very simplistic story. Fairburne pushes his case and while ignoring the commander, proceeds to try and stop the Nazi plot at all costs. This starts to cause turmoil between Fairburne and Jeff Sullivan, the commander of the US rangers. Quickly, Fairburne uncovers a secret Nazi plot called Operation Kracken. The story for Sniper Elite 5 starts with the main character, Karl Fairburne joining an operation to weaken the AXIS forces. Our VIDEO REVIEW of Sniper Elite 5! An Extremely Generic Narrative