You won't find any pre-build binaries here.

Please visit our website to download the Windows EXE file, the Mac App or the Linux JAR. Pagina EPUB-Checker doesn't need to be installed and therefore works on portable USB devices as well as on computers with restricted rights. Traditional Chinese (Taiwan) (GUI only, english messages).The generated EPUB file will be saved if it is valid.Expanded folders are automatically zipped up to an EPUB file upon validation.Ability to validate expanded (unzipped) EPUB's.

Pagina EPUB-Checker wraps up this tool and offers some additional features like: The test mechanisms of the EPUB-Checker are based on the official open-source EPUBCheck EPUB validator. With the pagina EPUB-Checker one can easily validate eBooks in the EPUB format. Standalone "EPUBCheck" application for Windows, macOS and Linux.